Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 31 - Past the terrible 2's

The title is a bit deceiving as the 2's or twenties rather were not all that terrible at all. If anything more frustrating since the past two weeks I have pretty much been at the same spot weight wise and emotional wise and even energy wise. 

I am pretty much sticking to juicing. I have not used the vitamix but I have bought some store bought green juices that I think are actually smoothies. I have not had them everyday and at this point you can only do so much! 

Today I went and had my hips worked on. I seem to have hips that are rolled forward and slightly dislocated. This has been something I have known for a year now and seem to have sort of let it get worse. The massage therapist did a great job digging into my hips and pushing on pelvic muscles to stimulate movement where there seems to be all kinds of ashesions. That being said I am really sore tonight. In excruciating pain. I have quite the pain tolerance, hence why she could push so hard. But this is almost agony. Makes me appreciate mixing and juicing as I suddenly realize I have sort of been without CONSTANT PAIN for a few weeks now. I still have pains but not like before. 

The pros always seem to outweigh the cons - in this case! 

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Day 29 - I'm Back!

So I have been crazy busy with school closing and report cards and paper writing for my course and just living that I have neglected to blog for the past few days. I feel slightly guilty that I have not written anything but then again who is really reading this?

(insert no one)

Yesterday I took the plunge and I moved away from using my favourite kitchen gadget to my second favourite tool. Although unlike the vitamix, the juicer and I have a rather large love hate relationship. I love what it produces. In fact I have come to the conclusion juicing is so much better for the taste buds! However the clean up is not my favourite thing. With mixing I would make my drinks and drink them almost immediately after. With juicing I have decided to preserve my time and make one batch a day of various recipes and flavours and store them in air tight jars and drink when I want. I know it is best to drink them right away but then again no one is perfect!

I have loaded my fridge with every green leafy vegetable I felt I was willing to try along with already pressed carrot juice, green juice, and pineapple juice. The pineapple juice was a new find and for drinking on these super hot days that everyone around me seems to be flaunting ice cream and cold drinks. Again I want to move way from buying juices but the cost is down with the help of pre juiced and I have them for when I am in a pinch.

All my store bought juices are the next best thing from making them myself. No preservatives, sulphites, added sugars and most of all they have a short shelf life which means they are pretty much the earths goodness! Yay.

Juice aside, I have not really had any progress the past week. Maybe why I was not blogging nothing new and exciting to announce. I do feel like my energy level is up again which is good. I also feel my dedication and desire to continue to do this is really strong. I almost had a massive slip up over the weekend. I was home alone in a house that was packed with junk food and had just been to an event where people were devouring everything from gluten free cupcakes to homemade sugar lemonade. I am not one to indulge in these eating habits but it did make my cravings and mind go into overdrive and I actually pulled a bowl out of the cupboard and started to sort through the fridge and figure out which solid food I was going to cut up and enjoy when I took control of the situation. I realized I am not doing this to deprive myself but revive myself. I certainly do not feel deprived so why was I all of a sudden reaching for the things that sent me on this journey to begin with? Maybe not feeling normal? Maybe rebellion? Maybe annoyed I am not seeing the progress I want? Either way I decided I am not taking that road. I will continue on the path of wellness!

Today I enjoyed Kale, Celery, Apple, and Mint. YUM!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 24 - I want more

A little rhyme to remember day...

Well today was graduation for my kiddies. Marks the end of my journey for now as a teacher. Time to get down to business and focus on health and wellness. I was so elated when I came home tonight after the ceremony I turned up maroon five and danced around with green juice in one hand and nothing in the other. Was an amazing feel. In all honesty I feel remarkably proud of myself. For having stuck out the past four years and the past 24 days. 24 days of mixing may not seem like much I do feel like it has put me on the right path. A path I think I had strayed from for far too long.

I must start juicing and up the detox next week. The weight needs to go along with the negativity I once had.

I am thinking a colonic mid week. Over share? Nah that is the beauty of detoxing - the details we get to uncover!

Good night!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Day 23 - Went on a reading spree

I am sort of feeling so overwhelmed with all the information there is on health and juicing and mixing and food combining. A friend of mine put it very simply for me which seemed to help.

  • Mixing for feeding.
  • Juicing for cleansing.

I think that is very accurately put. Although both are great for the body and better than lots of other things you could be feasting on the point is one may be slightly better with detoxing. Ultimately I have made my mind up that I want to detox. So counting down the days until the juicer is working in full force.

Tomorrow I want to read more and more about food combining and hopefully get into the pool. The scale has stayed the same and my energy level is quite low from lack of sleep.


  • Mixing for feeding.
  • Juicing for cleansing.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 22 - let's pretend we're in Antarctica

Whew I was freezing the last half of the day and think that is a sign of detox. I am still sort of at the same spot I have been the last couple of days which makes me feel a bit defeated and in all honestly almost like giving up. I wont give up but it has crossed my mind. If I am essentially just drinking vegetables why am I not getting quick results when other people shovel in doughnuts and see progress. Then again comparing yourself to others will always end up in a negative war. It is never a good idea to play that game. So instead I have embraced the fact that this is my last week with the vitamix (for now) and the juicer will be my kitchen staple as of Monday. I need to step up my game to see the results I want. I really want the detox to happen. I want to know my body is healing from inside out. I think then I can stop worrying about the outside... I think...

Blueberries, spinach, watermelon, and figs = yum yum!

A question I have been wondering is all about food combing... fruit and veg? No or go?

I guess I have some homework*

Monday 11 June 2012

Day 21 - HERBAG

Well this is the side of the gluten free shopping spree you get to hear about. Today I felt both elated, annoyed, upset, doubtful, and off all in one. Not really much to do with the fast. Or maybe it does have to do with the fast. Perhaps the fast makes emotions much stronger since the fog is gone. Much more aware of emotions and the reasons behind them. I was annoyed at a post on facebook and the fact that others seem to have it so much easier. Silly more of a pity me position. But I soon realized I was not annoyed at those things - I was annoyed at the fact that I was nauseated all day. Maybe mad at myself. Mad that I cannot fix the one thing that is most valuable... me... my health... and I. So I took to the computer and ebay and within a few clicks I bought a Hermes Herbag. eeeek. Impulse shop at its finest. I have however been admiring this particular bag for sometime and was waiting for the exact moment to purchase it. I think buying it the way I did and when I did was sort of a way to realize you can either chose to carry your baggage or let it go and start fresh. That is exactly what I choose to do. Let go of my baggage and instead of carrying emotional petty crap and worry and fear and projection I have decided to carry a HERBAG instead. One to which I can empty and fill as much as I desire without harming my health. Perhaps it will harm my ego and my nurture the materialistic side of me that desperately needs to vanish. But then again no one is perfect!

So today I sip green juice and admire my brown HERBAG from afar... ohhh the day it comes in the mail will be a day to remember! Yay!

Goodnight - sweetdreams!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 20 - 20/20

Made it to 20 days and feel pretty good about that.

Not much change has come about this week. Mostly stuck to the same weight down a little bit but not a whole lot. Swam lots today and could feel my muscles working hard. I actually have the 'workout' sore muscle pain currently. It's always nice to feel like you made an impact in a good way on your body.

It was gorgeous outside today so I spent most of my day outside working on course work and report cards as well as sipping some new mean green.

Although I have played around with spinach, kale and pineapple, today I went for bunches of spinach and pineapple and some cucumber. It was delicious. Each day I keep telling myself to cut back on my fruit consumption but when the juices taste better it is easier to do and then I enjoy doing it.

I did make some popsicles out of carrot juice and peaches. I know that it is best to consume juices right after making it so the enzymes and everything are at their best but on a hot summer day a popsicle is always welcomed in my books. I felt great munching on such a healthy snack and also quite normal. Everyone makes popsicles so why not make them out of good nutritious and delicious juices.

I am still very much game for switching to pure juice and not just blending very soon. I am eager to try that and see if the shifts and progress continue. I am almost at the half way mark and not even half way to my weight goal... again weight is not and should not be the focus but it is something on my mind.

Happy sunday night everyone. I am lifting my glass of watermelon and blueberry juice to you all and saying goodnight see you for day 21!